It’s hard to believe that 20 years have passed since I first wrote Programming in C. At that
time the Kernighan & Ritchie book The C Programming Language was the only other
book on the market. How times have changed!
When talk about an ANSI C standard emerged in the early 1980s, this book was split
into two titles:The original was still called Programming in C, and the title that covered
ANSI C was called Programming in ANSI C.This was done because it took several years
for the compiler vendors to release their ANSI C compilers and for them to become
ubiquitous. I felt it was too confusing to try to cover both ANSI and non-ANSI C in
the same tutorial text, thus the reason for the split.
The ANSI C standard has changed several times since the first standard was published
in 1989.The latest version, called C99, is the major reason for this edition.This edition
addresses the changes made to the language as a result of that standard.
In addition to covering C99 features, this book also includes two new chapters. The
first discusses debugging C programs.The second offers a brief overview of the pervasive
field of object-oriented programming, or OOP.This chapter was added because several
popular OOP languages are based on C: C++, C#, Java, and Objective-C.
For those who have stayed with this text through the years, I am sincerely grateful.
The feedback I have received has been enormously gratifying. It remains my main motivation
for continuing to write today.
For newcomers, I welcome your input and hope that this book satisfies your expectations.
Stephen Kochan
June 2004

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